Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Economy

Things are on the up swing boys and girls.

People are getting jobs again, yes survey jobs.

The architects are calling again.

So far this year I have done more topo's than I did the entire first half of last year.

I am in close contact with some experts in the real estate field and they say that Arizona is still at a 11-12 month inventory but it is dropping. Slowly but dropping. Once we are at a 9 month inventory housing will start to pop again. The ideal is a 6 month. Look for that in 2013.

I am fortunate to have a diversified practice and good business skills which has enabled me to survive.
I have always been unafraid to make the hard decisions.

Congratulations to everyone that is still around. You have made it and that is a huge deal. It speaks volumes for who you are and how you conduct yourself.

Onward and upward from here everyone.

The last 2 years have actually been the best thing that has ever happened to me as a business man. I am much better for it, I am stronger, leaner and know exactly what to do when the sky is falling.



  1. I wouldn’t say these last 2 years have been the best thing that has ever happened to me – as I can only put it as “my ass is chapped”!

    I have, however, learned that in very difficult times, there is indeed a way to survive. You just have to be willing to pull yourself up by the boot straps and definitely think “outside the box”. I can’t even begin to explain what I have personally done over the last year and a half (+/-) to get through – mainly with the help and support of my wife – but we seem to be “getting by”.

    In the good ‘ol days, I’ve always said, if I wanted another job, it would take me about 5 minutes and 1 phone call – 2 on the outside. Boy’s, those days are over – but like John said – they maybe be on their way back.


  2. I think it is going to dip again. I have read that real estate is going to have a major dip because banks still have very large inventories of homes and if they put them all on the market there would be a 2 year inventory. Also, wait til Diesel hits 5.00 a gallon.... It is only 0.90 away - I paid 4.10 in Wickenburg this weekend. I think this is the calm before the storm and we have not sen the worst yet.

    Working and trying to collect....
