Sunday, August 19, 2012

Courtesy Call

A week or so back I received a call from a colleague and they wanted to know what I was going to do about something on a particular project.

They were expressing concern because there was another surveyor involved that they were having a conflict of information with.

I am going to refrain from going into details here because some of the witch hunter types that read this blog may be prone to misinterpret this post.

A quick note to you witch hunters. If you have a problem or concern about something I have done call me, express your concern, be absolute certain of all sides of the story before you attempt to throw me under the bus. Conducting yourself in any other way will have major consequences.

On top of that if I want your peer review I will ask for it, until that day back off.

OK, that said and back to the topic.

The person that called me was having a conflict with another surveyor and I had done some work in the area. They were extremely professional in their questions and upon hearing my answer they agreed with my decision and moved along without a problem.

My decision was this. The client had yet to pay me for a particular line item and I simply was going to sit tight until I saw some green.

Is money an issue on a project? You bet your sweet ass it is!!

Money is the only reason I do this job and for me to say I do it for any other reason is a flat out lie.

Do projects fail to get completed because of money? Once again the answer is yes.

The only surveyors who can honestly say that money is not an issue is a government surveyor or a drone that is buried in the basement of a big machine and until they sit in the seat of the business surveyor they should keep their mouths shut and most do. Thank you!

Any business surveyor that says they have never stopped a project because of money is a liar. If they kept going even though they were not being paid, shame on them. All they did was open the door for further exploitation of themselves and hurt the profession as a whole.

Some of you may have a different opinion and that is awesome. It's the differences that keep us on our toes.

Make it a great week surveyors and remember, never doing anything for free.


  1. I fully agree!

    In fact I have been happy to be the recipient of projects re-originated as a result of bankruptcy and trustee sales.

    We are all supposed to work together. Most surveyors I talk to do if there is a problem come right out and fix it or help me see something from another point of view.

    Many of the "Witch Hunt" guys are making surveyors think.... should I call this guy?

    All I know is I am a little sick and tired of getting my surveys printed off the recorders site with cryptic letters and red-lines..... I mean really. Are we in highschool? Those people were referred to as bullies back then.

    How many others out there have had this done to them? I'd like to know. What do you refer to these type of surveyors as?

    Thank you

    ever a ghost writer!

  2. More than you or I can even imagine. The term dickcheese, fuckhead, asshole, and waste of sperm come to mind. I’ll bet there’s more.

    I know there is more than a few on this witch hunt thing and I personally was brought up totally different. Call the guy if you can identify the R.L.S. – Who cares what his reply is. If it works for you “hurray” – if it
    doesn't show what you found, whether you accept it or not, and off you go. My goodness. We have always tried to resolve differences in opinions, measurements, etc – but sometimes you can't.

    As far as the high school / bullies comment – you could not be more correct. I have spoken to many surveyors about what is going on and submit the following thoughts:

    These “witch hunters” are fucking with a man’s professional reputation, his license, his business (and his employees), his ability to earn a living, and the ability to provide for his family. We are surprised we have not heard of someone just waiting for one of these witch hunters to show up on a
    project they are working on – or at their office one morning and just beating the living fuck out of the guy. I miss the 80’s and 90’s.

    What they are doing is at the utmost unprofessional level and its sickening. Can I do a better job at what I do – you bet, but I can Goddamn guarantee you that no one I know try’s harder to do the absolute best I can given time, equipment, budgets, “help”, etc. I also know a whole shitpot of
    surveyors that feel the same way.

    I also know of others who are pursuing legal action against “some” due to the fact that some of these witch hunters are simply digging into surveys while not having had surveyed even near the records they are pulling simply
    to “critique” them. Remember, a complaint is to be filed in “good faith”. Once a complaint is filed, whether or not wrong doing is found, it’s still on your record as having a complaint filed against YOU – not the firm !!!

    I also know the “Board” is overwhelmed by these guys. Perhaps the Board needs to adopt (and quickly implement) changes when a complaint is filed from one registrant to another. The way the rules are now, at least in my
    opinion, they are really having a hard time dealing with this and don't really know what to do.

