Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lots of Corners

OK. Let’s talk about multiple corners.  A sore subject?  Sometimes!!
A month or so back I and my totally awesome right hand man were doing a boundary survey in Paradise Valley in a subdivision that has zero monumentation.
The only way to get to the lot was to come off of the section line which is the east line of the subdivision and then chase the subdivision corners for a check.
Remarkably we found several monuments around this subdivision that checked within tolerance. I was very happy with that and proceeded to our lot and set all 4 corners. (Yes I filed a map).
The first corner we came of course was at the corner of a block wall surrounded by trees. I immediately saw a rebar with a yellow cap sticking up about .5’ west of the wall corner, shot it and what do you know, I missed it .5’. Then I look around a little more and discover another rebar with yellow cap 3.8 feet on the northerly projection of the subdivision line where no line actually exists.
So there we are in the trees staring at these 2 points wondering WTF? So me being the diligent monkey that I am I start digging next to the wall corner and beat a little concrete out and what do I find, yes a rebar that is called out on another survey and guess what, it hits really well.
The funny thing about this is that the rebar at the wall corner was actually easier to shoot than what these other 2 guys did. They spent a lot of effort to set these points for who knows what reason.
Did I contact them? No. Their monuments had no direct impact on my survey; however I did show them on my ROS.
I guess my point on this is always dig next to the wall corner. Obviously things are built there for a reason. A little research and hammer work can go a long way.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a typical story with regards to surveying. About 9 million years ago, as a young lad - who didn't have any clue what he was doing, my very first party chief, Tom Stewart, myself and probably a real instrument man, - Any Freakin Way - doing a Boundary Survey in an old subdivision near South Mountain, we get in the back yard (no fences in this instance - Thank God) and there they are... 3 Rebars with Caps all marking the same point. Well, Tom tells me "take a scoop out of the middle with the shovel" - and stupid me, I'm thinking you pinhead - they're right there you moron... Well, what do ya know, the original 1/2" Iron Pipe. Typical Tom..."Every one of these Surveyor's ought to have their ass kicked". Being older & wiser and knowing what I'm doing now - (also Typical Tom Stewart) he was absolutely right...

    Sorry for the Anonymous post - can't seem to figure out some things on the web site.


    John "Dane" Bumpus, R.L.S.
