Saturday, July 30, 2011

Damn the Man, Save the GPS

I have said it before and I will say it again that the whole Light Squared thing will never happen.

The economic impact of such a thing is crazy.

I will be honest and tell you that I am unaware of all of the facts but it seems to me that other industries with have a lot to say as well.

Machine control

and a whole lot more.

Light Squared is but a small piece of the puzzle. I see a lot of talk on a forum that I belong to but am not hearing of any action except for a sight called "saveourgps".

I am having a hard time believing that Light Squared has the lobbyists that can convince the government to over ride all of these industries when the others combined most likely have more.

These "save our" sites are neat, but the real action should come from the individual states with people contacting state senators and representatives with a mass amount of people putting together a big package that says "find a different frequency".

It's action like this that will get the governments attention. If they see each state and all of these businesses pitching a complaint they will think twice.

My 2 cents........

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