Thursday, January 2, 2014


I have noticed something about surveyor's that truly pisses me off.

We have no identity of our own. We are thrown into this mix with civil's and designers that is beyond sucky.

We as surveyors we must take back, yes I said take back our identity. For some reason we have become so aligned with other professions that know one really knows or understands the importance of what it is we do.

As surveyors we are the basis of just about everything that has to do with land. We are by far the most important part of any land based project and if we tube it the whole thing is a mess from there on.

Why in the hell are the design professionals getting all of the credit when most of them could not hit their own ass with either hand?

How many times have your  heard "the engineers are here" or " not our fault your engineer set that point" or " I always thought that surveyors are civil's" or " how many cfm's are my wash" or " can I build it like this instead"???? This list is way to long for me to continue and actually it makes my head spin.

We are not design professionals and we should in no shape or form be associated with them.

How about those fella's that call themselves Civil Surveyors? Pack sand you arrogant ass, you are a surveyor, OWN IT!!!

This whole situation is our fault and it is this man's opinion that we need to do something about it.

Having our own identity will give the profession of surveying a whole new meaning. It will allow us to dictate our own fees, it will give us a face in the community, it will give us more weight at the BTR, this list is also endless.

If we as a profession can achieve what we are capable of instead being a lap dog to some numb nuts civil engineer, we can become a true professional entity that carries weight and has the respect that we are due.

It will enable all of us to have a path that we all deserve and it will eliminate the dirt bag bottom feeders that ruin things for us and give us a bad name.

Yes you know who you are and you should be ashamed of yourself's. You low dollar lap dogs really need to develop some big picture thinking. Try to think past the eye lids. You'll be better off.

OK!! Now I want some serious opinions on this matter. I am challenging everyone that reads this blog to step up and give us your 2 cents. Post as anonymous, I do not care, just say something.

Surveying used to be one of the most revered profession's and it is up to us to make it that way again.

Imagine a world where and LS makes the fee of an attorney?  That's the way it should be and anyone that thinks different should have their head examined.

Peace out surveyors. Make it a great week. We have a great big year in front of us.

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