I have been reading the new board rules and I will tell you right now that I like them.
I had some questions and asked the powers that be and got some great answers and feedback.
It was instantly clear that I need to slow down and be more thorough when reading things such as the rules that govern my profession.
Now I want to take a moment to thank the people that worked on updating these rules.
This is an extremely tough job as it effects each and everyone one of us in the surveying world.
Can you imagine the shit these guys have gotten through this process? How about the endless yammering by the non progressive numb nuts'zzzz?
I call that the not want to do anything but be the first to bitch syndrome.
So if you did not help, shut the fuck up. (Myself included).
Surveying is a profession where things do change. The fundamentals are the same but with technology comes change and staying on top of the rules needs to happen.
I am unsure how often they come up for review but I personally recommend that it get done more often.
So hey everyone, lets give some big ups to the people that stepped to the plate and put their valuable time and energy into something that is so important to us as professionals.
I am sure we will be better for it even with the small changes being proposed.
Peace out surveyors and make it a great week.
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