Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year

Well ladies and gentlemen we have made it to 2012.

I want to start out by saying forget any resolutions.

Why do I want to start something new when I should have been doing it to begin with.

The beginning of the year marks just that and life is simply a carry over.

In order to advance we as humans must have the mind set that we do it every day.

Okay, that said lets talk about surveying.

According to the Mayan calender and a hand full of crazies the world is supposed to end this year and we will all die a horrible death.

I personally think 2012 officially marks the end of the industrial age and we will be completely in the information age from hereon. The world is simply adjusting to its new condition both in nature and economics.

How is surveying going to fare in the information age?

I think it will do quite well if we can keep it together and continually strive to become a desired profession that people appreciate and understand the value of.

Some advantages we have is the advancing technology that we must embrace in order to stay current and another is the increasing demand for CEU's and another that we become more familiar with the laws surrounding us, the later of which I think is the most important.

Now let's talk about Light Squared.

A lot of you are totally freaked out that we may lose our GPS if they actually get their deal shoved through.

To this I say so what. A change may just be the best thing that ever happened to us.

Fact, because we are now officially in the information age there is no way we will ever go without GPS. In fact it is only going to get better and better.

If LS does get the frequency it will force GPS people to rapidly advance the technology and in the long run it will be better, faster, stronger and more accurate. Did anyone think of Steve Austin right then?

In addition, the LS deal will create a lot of long term jobs in GPS, IT and surveying, construction and a lot more.

Essentially the LS project is a good thing. Do I hope they have to find another way? Yes I do because it will be less complicated for us.

However if they do get it pushed through on the GPS frequency then we will adapt.

2012 may just mark the end of surveying as we know it.

For me whenever a door closes another one opens and whatever is on the other side is generally much better and I would have never considered using the old way had I known what was behind door #2.

Happy New Year. It's going to be an interesting one.


  1. John, John, John… And I just aired up the tires on my mountain bike too. Dang-it :-(

    As far as the Mayan calendar, I have “heard” that they were simply calculating (projecting) cycles – and they got to the end of another “cycle” and it simply ended at December 21, 2012 (if memory serves) and they simply figured – “that ought to be plenty…” The end of the world? - I don’t think so. Just the end of their calendar.

    As far as Light Squared – I have also read that some GPS Systems are already Light Squared ready / capable / etc. I don’t know what that means, but some are already thinking ahead – no matter what happens. I agree with John, “Big Deal”… One way or another, we will get through this (probably) seamlessly.

    You guys, I personally believe that YOU make (or create) your own reality. Has 2011 been tough economically speaking? Yes, very tough. For me, 2010 was even more so. Sometimes, you simply have to think (way) outside the box. You can make or break any situation – So let’s all take these opportunities and make them absolutely phenomenal !!!

    Best to All & Happy 2012.

  2. Personally I think that adversity is an opportunity for either greatness or failure. if you look at the past 2 years and the changes that they have brought about; those of us who are fighting to survive it will or can achieve greatness on many levels. If a person just rolls over and gives in. So be it the profession is probably better without the "quitter" anyway. I honestly believe that there is "always one more thing you can do".

    Light Squared is a bullshit ploy to get everyone to re-invest in new equipment. GPS won't go away. We have all seen things like this before.
