I have been talking a lot lately about how technology has made it easier to turn a profit. Well yesterday I did it again.
I had a 1.2 acre hillside subdivision lot to do a topo on with a 50' vertical and an average amount of vegetation.
I did all of the calc's on Sunday while I was watching the race.
I rolled on to the site at 7:30, having stopped at another small staking project on the way, I established control holding the centerline monuments, went around the property looking for monuments, I found 5 of 9 and they checked really well. I then proceeded to topo the crap out of this thing taking around 350 shots +/- and picked up some extra things for the architect like view corridors and certain pre-flagged spots around the lot for design rotation.
When I was finished I dipped the manholes, picked it up and headed for the office.
Side note: I did encounter a big ass rattle snake who was less than thrilled that I was around!!!
At the office I downloaded the data, brought the points into Cad and went right to work drafting. (Note: I am yet to set myself up for auto line work).
This is for the business guys.
Total time break down is as follows:
Pre site calcs and research- 1 hour
Field time - 4 hours
Drafting/finish time - 4.5 hours
Invoice - 5 minutes.
Total time 9.5 hours, 5 minutes all done myself.
Now here comes the cool part. I charged 1750 for this job. Those of you familiar with labor burden will see the significance.
Note: there are always different factors when bidding a project. Available info and benchmarks is what dictated this job, which there was plenty of both.
Go GPS and AutoCad!!!!
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