Sunday, December 19, 2010

Closed for the Holiday

OK. This will be my last post of the year. The next 2 weeks are going to be jam packed with family, last minute shopping, getting a few jobs out etc.

I want to take this time to thank all of you that have read and participated in my blog. You are all awesome.

I also want to thank the 2 of you that whined about getting to many emails. You are also awesome.

This next year I am going to make things interesting. I am going to be controversial on several items, I will be conducting interviews with people (only RLS), in a nut shell I am going to take this thing to a whole new level. I will be posting in new places and I am going  to expand my reader base on a state then national level.

Note: If any of you are interested in participating in a 10 question Q & A please contact me through email. I am compiling a list of questions and want to post a new interview once a week. Must be an LS.

Christmas is my thing, so I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I want to pay respect to those with other beliefs as well.

This coming year is going to be a real turning point for us. People will be going going back to work, revenue will pick up, people will start spending more and who knows maybe we can turn a profit.

Peace and Love to all of you.


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