Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Worker Bees

This guy is dead on with what he is saying. For those of you who read my last post about the holiday rush will remember me saying that I have always been the last one out the door on a holiday.
What I failed to mention is that this is so because holidays and parties should be about the employees. They work hard to ensure that things go smooth and should be thought of first at this time of the year. Those that actually do care about their work.
So if you are an employer and you have made some profit or if the CPA is telling you to spend some money before year end, hook em up with some cash.
You can always hand them a 1099 and cash is king.
I am willing to bet that the bonus's have been scarce the last couple of years.

See below.

" I owned my own company at one time, but had to let it go (early 80's when the economy tanked). I know what you're saying about being the last one out the door on a holiday weekend. But, as I've gotten older and have worked for several successful companies, one thing I noticed is, the owners are often the FIRST ones to leave on a holiday weekend. Why? Because they have their "worker bees" organized in such a manner that they feel confident the work is being done properly. Last year, at our office's informal Christmas get-together (a catered thing in the company courtyard that was very relaxed and casual), I was frantically trying to get about 3 projects out the door as the owners and the rest of the employees were sitting outside 20 feet from me, laughing; knocking back a few cold ones and playing Cornhole.
I have a different perspective today than I did when I owned my own company. Being an owner can be a ball and chain around your neck, or can be a more freeing experience, depending how the deck is stacked. I doubt seriously that Donald Trump or Bill Gates will be the last ones out of their offices before the holiday."

I want to wish everyone a great holiday weekend and I want to thank everyone that has made comments and given input for content.

You are all awesome.

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