I recently did a job at a house in PV that belongs to a big paving and dirt contractor.
We got to talking about his current biz which is picking back up. All they ever did was housing and big commercial developments and for the last five years the crickets have been chirping in the telephone.
We actually worked with this persons company several years ago on a very large project and I will tell you that this company is by far the most professional outfit I have ever worked with.
He was telling me that they really have no need for surveyors on their sites anymore as they have gone predominantly machine control. Except for the initial control.
I look at him and said "it's about time, thank God". I then told him that I have always hated staking and found it to be an absolute nightmare and that I have been spouting machine control for years.
The future of construction for the surveyor is surface management and control and that's it. Well aside from asbuilts and all the legal stuff.
He was telling me that they have machine control so good now that curb machines are pouring without stakes. He also mentioned that for underground all they are seeing anymore is manholes, bends, taps and hydrants that have stakes.
I am so thrilled about this. I have always thought that construction staking is a huge liability and it is the single thing that I will lose sleep over at night.
So hoooooray for the the future of construction technology!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to have a meeting with this person who is the President of his company and one of his field guys and have a long discussion about the surveyors role in the future and what exactly they would need from me as a project manager and too also find out the best way to market myself to them and others of like.
This is a great day for surveyors. Some will dispute this because they think that they are losing work. Well this is true is you are a perpetual hub pounder but if you are a surveyor you will see this as an opportunity to forget about all those hubs and concentrate on being a surveyor.
I have never considered construction staking surveying. I have always considered it a huge unforgiving liability.
As a surveyor and a business man I see nothing but opportunity in this situation.
Make it a great week surveyors!!