Sunday, January 13, 2013


OK. So we are still here, we survived the whole 12-21-12 thing. The survey world keeps moving forward.

This is going to be a very good year. Things are truly on the up swing and the future looks good. That's first time in quite a while I can say this without that small voice in the back of my brain saying the opposite.

Proof. My revenues are up from 2011 and this January so far is killing last year. Overall projections look good and the climate and all around attitude is better.

I think there was so much uncertainty in 2013 that none of us really knew what we were going to do.

I also accomplished some great things last year.

I have successfully incorporated my contract labor program and so far so good.

I was able to give fellow surveyors in other parts of the state some good referrals and some panned out nicely for them and their business. I love being able to do that. I am going to discuss that on another day.

I was able to create some great alliances with fellow surveyors. This is good. Does it enhance business? Not really but having people to bounce some things off of is awesome.

This coming year I am going to change the name of my company and I am going to implement a different type of marketing strategy that I will be discussing as I go along.

I am in the process of building a better business than I had before the crash, I am just going to take a different direction that I honestly think will be better and more efficient.

It's time for us all to dust off that equipment that's been sitting there doing nothing, get new batteries for them and start making some money.

I have a lot of good stuff to discuss this year. I think you all will like the changes you will see.

Lets go kick some ass surveyors. It's time. All the dead weight is gone and all of the good guys are still standing and ready to rock.

It's time for this kid to jump in with both feet, throw caution to the wind and make some shit happen and to hell with anything that gets in my way. It's time for me to get what I want.

2013. Make it great one boys and girls.